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About Us

The mission of First Baptist Church is best represented by the following priorities: a strong, Biblically based, preaching ministry which communicates Christian theology in terms that are relevant to people's lives; a youth ministry which nurtures faith, commitment and discipleship; active programs of pastoral care, visitation, music, and involvement with members of the congregation; a ministry that leads people to make decisions for Christ and encourages their participation in the local church, community, and the world; a program of short-term Christian counseling; and a church environment which nurtures a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and caring. Our facilities are, broadly, handicapped accessible. Four newly acquired devices are now available to help people who are having problems hearing the service.



Our Pastor:
bigbad John.jpg

Rev. John Hall came to us with his wife Heidi in July of 2017 with 17 years of ministry in previous churches. He states, "My call is to love and care for the people of God. I love theology and there are social issues that just break my heart. But, neither one is of greater importance than the love, care and nurture of the people of God." Heidi and John have 2 grown children and delightful grandchildren. Please join us here Sundays at 11 to meet these sterling folks and our church family!

Rev. John Hall


Pastor                                                                                                Soup Kitchen

We are still making our meals from the church and are still making sandwiches.  We find ourselves reminiscing about the big meals we used to put together at the Salvation Army, but I doubt we will return to that mode until it is safe for us.  The recipients of the meals come together now for the communal meal.  We do so miss serving the people and having the interaction, but will continue to do the thing that is safest for everyone.


People eat at the Soup Kitchen for a variety of reasons.  Some are homeless and are seekng a meal in a friendly, judgement free environment.  We've talked with some folks who have little money left in their budget after they pay their rent so they eat regularly at the Soup Kitchen to make the money stretch a little further.  Some are lonely and like the company.  Yesterday I talked with a retired guy who said he had no idea how much was involved with cooking meals until he was suddenly left in the position of having to do all his own cooking.  He said he was very grateful for the groups who cook for the Soup Kitchen, especially when the food made was so good.

So please, all of you who devote so much of your time and effort to doing this project, feel good about what you are doing.  You are making a positive difference in people's lives.


​August 8, 2024

People get hungry, even in the summer when it is too hot to cook. Fortunately we have a crew who is willing to cook at all times of the year. A special thank you to the folks who steamed up their kitchens boiling potatoes so we could have a cold, filling potato salad like the kind my mother used to make. I know that thanks are due to Mary Ellen Adams, John Cheney and Pam Frye for their work in this arena, but my gratitude goes to all the potato makers. Having the potatoes all cooked and cooled when we get this started at the Salvation Army makes the process of making the potato salad easy and cool. Nice since there is no air conditioning at the Salvation Army.

Ice cream sandwiches were happily consumed instead of homemade desserts, a suitable substitute in the summer.

Many thanks to those of you able to join the sandwich making including Trish Sanders, Mabelle Miller, Judy Pruszenski, Pat McGinnis, Tom Gilbert, Kathy Gowell, Mary Ellen Adams, Brenda Cheney and Pam Frye.

Thanks also to the Salvation Army crew, John Cheney and Erika Bailey. The position of leading the activities of the Soup Kitchen has been filled by a woman named Sunny and she volunteered to take over the tasks I was doing so I got to leave by about 12:15 which worked out really nicely for me.

Next month we'll probably stick with the summer menu, especially if it continues to be hot and humid. We'll do it again on September 12th. Join us!

Karen Bailey

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